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Backyard Yoga is Back!

Kim Nashed in tree pose amid the lush foliage of her backyard
Kim Nashed sitting in lotus position, her hands clasped in a namaste greeting, among the lush foliage of her backyard
Kim Nashed in triangle pose surrounded by her lush backyard foliage

9 Sunset Terrace, Waterville
10 – 11:15 am   Fee:  $10/class

We are excited to offer Backyard Yoga and Meditation again this summer!

Beginning Wednesday June 1 we will be offering classes on Monday and Wednesday mornings, 10:00 – 11:15am.  (The Muskie Center classes are on hiatus.)

Many of you enjoy practicing earlier in the morning, and we will be able to start earlier as spring turns to summer and the nights and mornings grow warmer.  For now, we hope that by 10am the mornings will be comfortable for our practice together.

No pre-registration is needed for classes, email us your contact info to be kept in the loop with any weather or schedule changes for Backyard Yoga, and we will create an email list for any needed Backyard Yoga updates.

Please bring your mat, a blanket and 1 or 2 blocks. We will have groundcovers for you, to keep your mat and props clean and dry. Let’s practice together with our feet on the earth, sky and clouds above, and birdsong all around us!